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Dear SAP Community Member, In order to fully benefit from what the SAP Community has to offer, please register at http Thank you, The SAP Community team. Oracle WebLogic Server Issues. This chapter describes issues associated with Oracle WebLogic Server. It includes the following topics JDK 7 Certification. AtDGdvsFxw/TiHHShQBYYI/AAAAAAAAAHw/le8o8oIyev0/s1600/5.jpg' alt='Adobe Activation Invalid Request Code Generator' title='Adobe Activation Invalid Request Code Generator' />Frequently Asked Questions Energy. Soft. If you are modeling large packaged equipment greater than 7. DP0xUfY/USosTJkiHdI/AAAAAAAABTA/CA6fR_o7THE/s1600/026+-+copia.jpg' alt='Adobe Activation Invalid Request Code Generator' title='Adobe Activation Invalid Request Code Generator' />Btuh cooling this type of equipment is not rated with an SEER. Rather, an EERis typically provided by the manufacturer. In Energy. Pro, we provide you with two options for modeling this type of equipment 1. Input an EER2. Input a k. W rating for the CompressorCondenserWhen rating an EER, the manufacturer includes fan power as part of the total figure, as they should. However, to properly model these systems,Energy. Adobe Activation Invalid Request Code Generator' title='Adobe Activation Invalid Request Code Generator' />Pro must take out the fan power, since you have already input this figure in the Fan tab, and develop an energy rating that just models the CompressorCondenser. To make matters worse, the fan power that the manufacturer included in their EER rating is probably a different number than the value you input in the fan tab. The final twist is that the CEC specifies the amount of fan power that Energy. Pro is required to remove, which does not correspond with either figure. Download Coreldraw 13 Full Crack. The solution to this problem is to use the second modeling option listed above. By inputting just the CompressorCondenser k. W, you have already done the work of prying apart these numbers for Energy. Pro. The net result is that your system will be modeled correctly. Next issue Your system also has a pump, since it is a MammothGovernairEtc. No problem. Include the pumping energy in the CompressorCondenser k. W. The obvious question, then, is why do we even provide an EER input for these systems Because the ACM manual requires that we give you that option for inputs, and in many cases you really are not overly concerned about super accurate modeling. Your client just wants a permit tomorrow, and the engineer specd an EER on the plans. Please log in to rate this.