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CALIFORNIA 2. 01. Changes to Californias Employment Laws. Microsoft Office Interop Word In Asp Net Tutorial Pdf there. Date 172. 01. 3 Employment, Labor Benefits Update January 2. By Asa W. Markel. Employers will need to comply with at least six new laws for their California based employees beginning in January 2. California Employment Law ConferenceThe state who trust HRCalifornia for current employment law information. Employment Law Update. California and federal employment law. In 2011, the California Legislature passed many new laws that will challenge employers in 2012 and beyond. In our first breakfast briefing of 2012, we will summarize. California Employment Law Update. Notes Former Lockheed Engineer May Proceed With False Claims Act Lawsuit. Former Lockheed Engineer May Proceed With False. Regulated employment environment. Walter is. in California Employment Law. Mar 2012. in California, California Employment Law Update. Police officer fired twice during longtime employment for violating policies. ADA FEHA Case Law Update 2012 Dennis J. Walsh. Walsh Associates. Meal periods. Revised 7112012. Under California law. Nia laBor aND EmploymENt lEgislativE upDatE OCTOBEr 2012. The law excludes from the definition of. Under the California Fair Employment and. Resources About Us. Tune in to our Employment Law Update Webinars. Sep 2012 New California Law Clarifies and Expands Religious Accommodation Requirements. AB2. 10. 3 Salaried non exempt employees must be paid additional overtime. A non exempt employees salary is now considered payment only for regular hours in California. Any overtime worked will require payment of additional overtime wages. For exempt employees, such as those in certain administrative, executive, or professional occupations, no additional overtime will be required. AB1. 39. 6 Commission paid employees must now receive a written contract that includes the formula for calculating the commission and a description of the method of payment. The employer must obtain a signed receipt from each commission employee. This law applies regardless of where the employer is located. AB1. 84. 4 Employers cannot request access to employees social media passwords. In recent years, some employers had required potential employees to provide social media login information. California Employment Law Update 2012' title='California Employment Law Update 2012' />This practice is now illegal in California. However, employers may be able to require login information from employees in the event of certain disciplinary investigations. AB2. 67. 4 Employers now have 3. Employers still must maintain all wage payment information for each employee for 3 years. AB1. 96. 4 Employers must allow employees to wear religious dress and exhibit religious grooming. While employers may be able to enforce dress codes where they are able to show undue hardship, in most cases, employers will find it difficult to show undue hardship under the new law. AB1. 74. 4 Employers must include nine items of information on all pay statements issued to employees or else face penalties up to 4,0. The nine items of required information include 1 Gross wages earned 2 Total hours worked, except for exempt employees 3 Number of pieces completed and the applicable piece rate if the employee is paid for piece work 4 All deductions 5 Net wages earned 6 Dates for the payment period 7 The employees name and identifying number last four digits of the employees social security number or another employer specific number 8 The name and address of the employer and. All hourly rates in effect for the pay period and the number of hours the employee worked at each hourly rate. Employers with questions about Californias new employment rules should consult with their Masuda Funai relationship attorney.