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ACM TOMS ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software. Timothy A. Davis, Yifan Hu. C. Bradford Barber, David P. Dobkin, Hannu Huhdanpaa. Ciyou Zhu, Richard H. Byrd, Peihuang Lu, Jorge Nocedal. Cambridge Core Strategic Management Stakeholder Theory by R. Edward Freeman. Jeffrey S. Vitter. Jerome H. Friedman, Jon Louis Bentley, Raphael Ari Finkel. C. L. Lawson, R. J. Hanson, D. R. Kincaid, F. T. Krogh. Christopher C. Paige, Michael A. Saunders. J. J. Dongarra, Jeremy Du Croz, Sven Hammarling, I. Cambridge Software Corporation Case Solution Formation' title='Cambridge Software Corporation Case Solution Formation' />Latest trending topics being covered on ZDNet including Reviews, Tech Industry, Security, Hardware, Apple, and Windows. The Services Sound and Vision Corporation is a registered charity set up to entertain and inform Britains Armed Forces around the world. Includes details of the. BibMe Free Bibliography Citation Maker MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. Save time reduce costs by streamlining your logon processes with the Imprivata OneSign single signon SSO solution. Get your free demo today A. A B Design A Basses AC Dayton A class AData Technology A E AE Television Networks Lifetime TV A M Supplies Apollo AMark A. N. D.
S. Duff. Jack J. Dongarra, Jeremy Du Croz, Sven Hammarling, Richard J. Hanson. Jorge J. Mor, Burton S. Garbow, Kenneth E. Hillstrom. Bibliometrics. Publication Years. Publication Count. Citation Count. 15. Available for Download. Downloads 6 weeks5. Downloads 1. 2 Months4. Downloads cumulative1. Average downloads per article. FILExt. com is the file extension source. Here youll find a collection of file extensions many linked to the programs that created the files. This is the FILExt home. Average citations per article. Affiliation. Paper Counts. National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics. University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez. Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics. Hydrological Service of Israel. Leibniz Supercomputing Center Munich. Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago. Edinboro University of Pennsylvania. NVIDIA1. The Math. Works, Inc. 1. Bergen Scientific Centre. Statoil ASA1. Computer Sciences Corporation, Australia. Airbus Deutschland Gmb. H1. Camosun College. Barcelona Supercomputing Center. Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science. Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences. Universite de Bordeaux. Universite Paris Saclay. Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique. Indian Institutes of Managements. IBM, India. 1IBM, Netherlands. Laboratoire de lInformatique du Parallelisme. Davidson College. Technion Israel Institute of Technology. University of Graz. Waseda University. Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1. Institute of Marine Research. Brooklyn College. AT T Information Systems. Ecole Centrale Paris. Southern Illinois University. Open University of the Netherlands. Universite Paris Sud XI1. University of California, Santa Cruz. University of Alabama. Harris Corporation. Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. Korea Institute of Science and Technology. Mathematical Research Institute, Utrecht University. Defence Science and Technology Laboratory. 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Michoacan University of Saint Nicholas of Hidalgo. Eindhoven University of Technology. Public University of Navarrea. Colegio de Postgraduados. University College of Boras. Wake Forest University. University of Leicester. University of Idaho. Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia. Vilnius University. Ohio University Athens. Baylor University. Auburn University. University of Reading. Install Mac Os Vmware Workstation 12 Key. University of Oregon. National Chiao Tung University Taiwan. Lubeck University. MITRE Corporation. Mathematical Sciences Research Institute. Verizon Communications. The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. Ca Foscari University of Venice. Institute of Ocean Sciences, Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Beihang University. Brno University of Technology. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. VA Medical Center. Lappeenranta University of Technology. University of Massachusetts Amherst. Danish Meteorological Institute. Kalamazoo College. Fordham University. CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis. Chuo University. 1University of Kansas Lawrence. Keimyung University. SAIC1. University of Trento. University of Witwatersrand. United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Riken. 1Tech X Corporation. INRIA Lorraine. 1The University of North Carolina System. University of South Carolina. Wright State University. Tamkang University. Polytechnic School of Montreal. University of Southern Denmark. Bloomsburg University. Macquarie University. Ethyl Corporation. Universite de Bretagne Occidentale. European Organization for Nuclear Research. Thales Alenia Space. US Naval Underwater Systems Center. Fort Hays State University. University of Calabria. Bucknell University. University of Canterbury. Humboldt State University. Royal Holloway University of London. Brunel University London. Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Flinders University of South Australia. California State University Northridge. RIKEN The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research1. Indiana University. National Center for Atmospheric Research. University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague. Exxon Mobil Corporation. The University of Warwick. Aalborg University. Meiji University. Universite Libre de Bruxelles. Rutgers University Newark Campus. California State University Fullerton. National University of Cordoba. Humboldt University of Berlin. Western Michigan University. University of Liege. Universidad Central de Venezuela. Universite Pierre et Marie Curie. Johns Hopkins Hospital. Royal Institute of Technology. University of Amsterdam. Institute for Infocomm Research, A Star, Singapore. Chinese University of Hong Kong. Illinois Institute of Technology. University of Helsinki. Lockheed Martin Corporation. University of Haifa. Radcliffe Infirmary. University of Texas at Arlington. Ohio State University. Arizona State University. Queens College, City University of New York. Cleveland State University. Sintef Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research At the Norwegian Institute of Technology. Middle East Technical University. ANSYS, Inc. 1. University of Geneva. Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory. University of Parma. University of Illinois. Nanyang Technological University. James Madison University. Bogazici University. Unisys Corporation. University of Missouri Columbia. MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. University of Salerno. Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest. Lulea University of Technology. University of Rochester Laboratory for Laser Energetics. Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. German Aerospace Center. Laboratoire dInformatique, de Robotique et de Microelectronique de Montpellier LIRMM1. Technical University in Braunschweig. University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Life Sciences. University of Sao Paulo. Massey University. Universite de Limoges. University of Bradford. National University of Ireland, Galway. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Sabanci University. Educational Testing Service. University of California, Merced. Linkoping University. University of Adelaide. Tampere University of Technology. Washington State University. Technical University of Hamburg Harburg. University of Kwa. Zulu Natal. 1University of Ulm. National Physical Laboratory. University of East Anglia. SRI International. Kansas State University. University of Erlangen Nuremberg. NASA Langley Research Center. Catholic University of Louvain, Louvain la Neuve. Loughborough University. Emory University. Bib. Me Free Bibliography Citation Maker.