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Links to Chinese fonts compiled by Luc Devroye. Chinese font archive. The fonts are simply called tt1, tt13, tt2, tt201f, tt202f, tt203a, tt205a. Download the free trial version below to get started. Doubleclick the downloaded file to install the software. What is card modeling 0. Scale Modeling in Paper Card Modeling or Paper Modeling is the art of creating scale models with paper. Models are built up from. Centronuclear myopathy Wikipedia. Centronuclear myopathies CNM are a group of congenitalmyopathies where cell nuclei are abnormally located in skeletal muscle cells. In CNM the nuclei are located at a position in the center of the cell, instead of their normal location at the periphery. Symptoms of CNM include severe hypotonia, hypoxia requiring breathing assistance, and scaphocephaly. Among centronuclear myopathies, the X linked myotubular myopathy form typically presents at birth, and is thus considered a congenital myopathy. However, some centronuclear myopathies may present later in life. PresentationeditAs with other myopathies, the clinical manifestations of MTMCNM are most notably muscle weakness and associated disabilities. Congenital forms often present with neonatal low muscle tone, severe weakness, delayed developmental milestones particularly gross motor milestones such as head control, crawling, and walking and pulmonary complications presumably due to weakness of the muscles responsible for respiration. While some patients with centronuclear myopathies remain ambulatory throughout their adult life, others may never crawl or walk and may require wheelchair use for mobility. There is substantial variability in the degree of functional impairment among the various centronuclear myopathies. Although this condition only affects the voluntary muscles, several children have suffered from cardiac arrest, possibly due to the additional stress placed on the heart. SecurityStudy. Other observed features have been high arched palate, long digits, bell shaped chest and long face. Myotubular myopathy only affects muscles and does not impact intelligence in any shape or form. X linked myotubular myopathy was traditionally a fatal condition of infancy, with life expectancy of usually less than two years. 3D Game Studio A7 Pro. FastFetch/UBER1/ZI-2YSC-2013-ANN00-IDSI-107-1' alt='Cmap Tools Free Download Greek English Dictionary' title='Cmap Tools Free Download Greek English Dictionary' />There appears to be substantial variability in the clinical severity for different genetic abnormalities at that same MTM1 gene. Further, published cases show significant differences in clinical severity among relatives with the same genetic abnormality at the MTM1 gene. Most truncating mutations of MTM1 cause a severe and early lethal phenotype, while some missense mutations are associated with milder forms and prolonged survival up to 5. Centronuclear myopathies typically have a milder presentation and a better prognosis. Recently, researchers discovered mutations at the gene dynamin 2 DNM2 on chromosome 1. This condition is now known as dynamin 2 centronuclear myopathy abbreviated DNM2 CNM. Research has indicated that patients with DNM2 CNM have a slowly progressive muscular weakness usually beginning in adolescence or early adulthood, with an age range of 1. Genetic causeseditThe genetic abnormality associated with the X linked form of myotubular myopathy XLMTM was first localized in 1. X chromosome at site Xq. MTM1 codes for the myotubularin protein, a highly conserved lipid phosphatase involved in cellular transport, trafficking and signalling. Approximately 8. 0 of males with myotubular myopathy diagnosed by muscle biopsy have mutations in MTM1, and about 7 of these mutations are genetic deletions. Centronuclear myopathies where the genetic abnormality is NOT sex linked e. X chromosome are considered autosomal. Autosomal abnormalities can either be dominant or recessive, and are often referred to as AD for autosomal dominant or AR for autosomal recessive. Many researchers use the term myotubular myopathy MTM only for cases when the genetic test has come back positive for abnormalities genetic mutations at the MTM1 gene on the X chromosome. Cases with a centronuclear nucleus in the center appearance on muscle biopsy but a normal genetic test for MTM1 would be referred to as centronuclear myopathy until such time as a specific genetic site is identified to give a more detailed sub classification. The possible combinations of inheritance of myotubular myopathy are as follows Inheritance. OMIMGenesDescription. X linked recessive. MTM1 X linked myotubular myopathyThe X linked form of MTMCNM is the most commonly diagnosed type. Almost all cases of X linked MTM occurs in males. Autosomal recessive. BIN1, RYR1, TTNA recessive abnormality will only cause disease if both copies of the gene are abnormal. Autosomal dominant. DNM2 MYF6 and MTMR1. A dominant abnormality will exert its abnormal influence e. Within centronuclear myopathies, researchers have identified an autosomal dominant form at a gene called dynamin 2 DNM2 on chromosome 1. DNM2 CNM. Sporadic cases have also been reported where there is no previous family history these cases are presumably due to a new mutation that was not present in either parent. PathologyeditOn examination of muscle biopsy material, the nuclear material is located predominantly in the center of the muscle cells, and is described as having any myotubular or centronuclear appearance. In terms of describing the muscle biopsy itself, myotubular or centronuclear are almost synonymous, and both terms point to the similar cellular appearance among MTM and CNM. Thus, pathologists and treating physicians use those terms almost interchangeably, although researchers and clinicians are increasingly distinguishing between those phrases. In general, a clinical myopathy and a muscle biopsy showing a centronuclear nucleus in the center of the muscle cell appearance would indicate a centronuclear myopathy CNM. The most commonly diagnosed CNM is myotubular myopathy MTM. However, muscle biopsy analysis alone cannot reliably distinguish myotubular myopathy from other forms of centronuclear myopathies, and thus genetic testing is required. Diagnostic workup is often coordinated by a treating neurologist. In the United States, care is often coordinated through clinics affiliated with the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Electrodiagnostic testingeditElectrodiagnostic testing also called electrophysiologic includes nerve conduction studies which involves stimulating a peripheral motor or sensory nerve and recording the response, and needle electromyography, where a thin needle or pin like electrode is inserted into the muscle tissue to look for abnormal electrical activity. Electrodiagnostic testing can help distinguish myopathies from neuropathies, which can help determine the course of further work up. Most of the electrodiagnostic abnormalities seen in myopathies are also seen in neuropathies nerve disorders. Electrodiagnostic abnormalities common to myopathies and neuropathies include abnormal spontaneous activity e. EMG and, small amplitudes of the motor responses compound muscle action potential, or CMAP during nerve conduction studies. Many neuropathies, however, cause abnormalities of sensory nerve studies, whereas myopathies involve only the muscle, with normal sensory nerves. The most important factor distinguishing a myopathy from a neuropathy on needle EMG is the careful analysis of the motor unit action potential MUAP size, shape, and recruitment pattern. There is substantial overlap between the electrodiagnostic findings the various types of myopathy. Thus, electrodiagnostic testing can help distinguish neuropathy from myopathy, but is not effective at distinguishing which specific myopathy is present, here muscle biopsy and perhaps subsequent genetic testing are required. TreatmenteditCurrently there is no cure for myotubular or centronuclear myopathies.