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Whats new in SpaceObServer. Changes in 6. 0. 2 Bugfix A rightclick on a file, located on a unreachable file share, caused it to be marked as. Introduction 1. 1 Background. This section is nonnormative. The World Wide Webs markup language has always been HTML. HTML was primarily designed as a language for. Im sure many diehard FoxPro developers are curious if Visual FoxPro 9. SP 2 will install and run on Windows 10. Well, I wanted to be one of the first to find out. Error While Updating Filelist Options Of' title='Error While Updating Filelist Options Of' />Space. Ob. Server Last Changes. Changes in 6. 0. 2 1. Drop Down Menu Windows Forms on this page. Oct 2. 01. 7Bugfix A right click on a file, located on a unreachable file share, caused it to be marked as deleted in the database. This issue has been fixed. Bugfix When using exclude filter for a scan Scan Configure Scans Scan Filter with multiple filters applied to full paths, not all of the filters used where applied correctly. This issue has been fixed. Bugfix Modifications on the File Groups Tools Options View File Groups used for the Extensions statistic had not been persisted after a restart of Space. Ob. Server. This issue has been fixed. Bugfix When expanding 1st level folders in a Container the size of the expanded folder was reset to zero when the included roots were located in a different database Scan Configure Scans Expert Settings Database. This issue has been fixed. Bugfix The Details list might show fewer files after using Delete from the context menu of this list. This issue has been fixed. Bugfix Using the Space. Ob. Server. Cmd. Line. Parser for exporting the Duplicate Files now again exports the Duplicate groups including single files, as was the case in former versions. Added support for text only export of the History, Age of Files, and Size of Files statistics. A few minor bug fixes and improvements have been incorporated. Changes in 6. Aug 2. Bug fix Adding a complete server to the Space. Ob. Server database might result in strange errors Out of Memory or even unhandled errors. Bug fix When using exclude filter for a scan Scan Configure Scans Scan Filter and all filters applied to full paths, the scan did no longer see any files. Bug fix Sorting the Users list by the column Size Growth works correctly now. Bug fix Sorting the Details list by one of the columns Growth last Week, Growth last Month, or Files Increase works correctly now. Bug fix Fast clicking on the arrow buttons in the Select history interval panel contextual tab History now no longer closes the panel. You can now enter multiple paths into the folder combobox, separated by semicolon. Paths that already exist in the database will be loaded, new paths will be added to the database. Activating View Show size changes in tree for a Container will now also activate this option for all included scans. A few minor bug fixes and improvements have been incorporated. Changes in 6. Aug 2. New Bitness Native 6. Bit Space. Ob. Server is now available as a native 6. Bit application. This applies to the user interface as well as the scan service Space. Ob. Server Agent. New Filter Space. Ob. Server can now store access permissions ACL of files and folders in the database. This enables users to easily create filter criteria e. User Interface Ribbon User Interface The new ribbon style user interface of Space. Ob. Server is more than just a cosmetic measure Easy navigation and feature selection secure user friendliness. A new preview pane has been added to the right side of the Details tab. This pane shows a summary of the most important information of the selected file in the Details list, as well as a preview of the file content in case this is supportedavailable for this type of file. The performance when loading scans in the Space. Ob. Server user interface has been optimized, especially for very large scans. We adjusted the names of some columns in the Details list, to match their corresponding columns in the Windows Explorer. The File Search panel of Space. Ob. Server has been revised. The available filters are now grouped in a more logical and structured way. Many more improvements implemented in the user interface enhance the look and feel and match modern Windows operating system styles. Charts The Tree Map chart can now optionally show single files, file extensions, or extension groups inside the chart. Database If you do not have a real SQL server database to use with Space. Ob. Server, the software no longer uses an MS Access desktop database as default. The new database type Space. Ob. Server Embedded is a customized Firebird database, which shows much better performance than MS Access and supports concurrent usage of the database. We do now store timestamps like last modified and creation date of files and folders in UTC Universal Time Coordinated format in the database. This ensures data consistency across time zones and multiple machines. Please note This might cause a longer run duration for the first update scan of existing scans. Official support for MS SQL Azure has been added. Please note Support for IBM DB2 Database has been dropped. Scan Engine We optimized the performance of update scans by using less complex update statements in the database. This applies especially to very large scan structures and to scans with many modifications on the scanned directory tree. Thanks to early dissolving of network dependencies, the performance of Space. Ob. Servers local shares scans has been increased. New Export Options The PDF and printed exports have been completely revised. This also applies to the printer preview pane. These exports do now look more like Tree. Size Professional and can now include the various charts that Space. Ob. Server offers. The PDF and printed export can include single files now. The Excel export can now include charts as known from the HTML export. Charts are included in separate sheets in the exported Excel file. The HTML, Excel, Email, PDF, and the printed export can include the various list statistics Top 1. Extensions, Users, Details, and Duplicate Files that Space. Ob. Server supplies. The new configuration section for the PDF export now enables users to configure the PDF documents. In former versions, the PDF export used the same settings as the printed report. Exchange Server Scans Exchange Server scans can now optionally break down scanned mailboxes into organization units OUs. Email subjects are now by default shown in the Name column of the Details list and all exports. You can activate the new option Anonymous email subjects for Exchange scans to hide email subjects. Thanks to the optimized usage of the internally used paging, Exchange Server scans now run faster. Please note Support for Exchange Server 2. OLE Automation The existing OLE Export functions have been enhanced to optionally include additional lists and charts when exporting to HTML, Excel, Email, or PDF. Human readable strings for each Information Type which can be used in functions instead of integer values have been introduced. The new function Update. Annotation to set the Annotation field of files and folders has been included. Changed Compatibilities Support for Windows XP and Windows Server 2. Space. Ob. Server v. Enterprise und Standard Edition will be offered in 6. Bit only. If you require a 3. Bit version of Space. Ob. Server, please send us an inquiry. Support for MS SQL Azure has been added. Support for IBM DB2 Database has been dropped. Support for Exchange Server 2. Net Framework 4. Miscellaneous When using Tools Show previous scan sizes Space. Ob. Server now also lists files which are already deleted, but existed in the previous scan. Introduced function Hide folders smaller than X MB to exclude small directories from the directory tree.