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I have a problem in Hibernate. I try to parse to List but It throw an exception HTTP Status 500 could not extract ResultSet. When I debug, It fault at line query. In this article you will learn how to use Hibernate with. NET or other programming language. Hibernate Interview Questions Learn Hibernate in simple and easy steps starting from basic to advanced concepts with examples including Overview, Architecture. Updated August 3. Viewed 4. 79,2. In last tutorial, you use Maven to create a simple Java project structure, and demonstrate how to use Hibernate in Spring framework to do the data manipulation worksinsert, select, update and delete in My. SQL database. In this tutorial, you will learn how to do the same thing in Spring and Hibernate annotation way. Prerequisite requirement Installed and configured Maven, My. SQL, Eclipse IDE. The javaee. jar library is required as well, you can get it from j. BuildPath.png' alt='Hibernate Update Change Primary Key In Mysql' title='Hibernate Update Change Primary Key In Mysql' />SDK, and include it manually, there is no full version of javaee. Maven repository yet. Final project structure. Your final project file structure should look exactly like following, if you get lost in the folder structure creation, please review this folder structure here. Table creation. Create a stock table in My. SQL database. SQL statement as follow. CREATE TABLE mkyong. STOCKID int1. 0 unsigned NOT NULL AUTOINCREMENT. STOCKCODE varchar1. NOT NULL. STOCKNAME varchar2. NOT NULL. PRIMARY KEY STOCKID USING BTREE. UNIQUE KEY UNISTOCKNAME STOCKNAME. UNIQUE KEY UNISTOCKID STOCKCODE USING BTREE. ENGINEInno. DB AUTOINCREMENT1. DEFAULT CHARSETutf. Project File Structure. Create a quick project file structure with Maven command mvn archetype generate, see example here. Convert it to Eclipse project mvn eclipse eclipse and import it into Eclipse IDE. E workspace mvn archetype generate. 3D Game Studio A7 Pro there. INFO Scanning for projects. Choose a number. 123. Define value for group. Id com. mkyong. Define value for artifact. Id Hibernate. Example. Define value for version 1. SNAPSHOT. Define value for package com. INFO Old. Archetype created in dir E workspaceHibernate. Example. INFO. INFO BUILD SUCCESSFUL. INFO. Pom. xml file configuration. Add the Spring, Hibernate, Annotation and My. SQL and their dependency in the Mavens pom. POM4. 0. 0. xmlns xsihttp www. XMLSchema instance. Locationhttp maven. POM4. 0. 0. http maven. Version 4. 0. Version. Id com. mkyong. Id. Id Spring. Examplelt artifact. Id. lt packaging jarlt packaging. SNAPSHOTlt version. Spring. Examplelt name. JBoss repositorylt id. JUnit testing framework. Id junitlt group. Id. lt artifact. Id junitlt artifact. Id. lt version 3. Spring framework. Id org. springframeworklt group. Id. lt artifact. Id springlt artifact. Id. lt version 2. Spring AOP dependency. Id cgliblt group. Id. lt artifact. Id cgliblt artifact. Id. lt version 2. My. SQL database driver. Id mysqllt group. Id. lt artifact. Id mysql connector javalt artifact. Id. lt version 5. Hibernate framework. Id hibernatelt group. Id. lt artifact. Id hibernate. Id. lt version 3. GAlt version. Hibernate annotation. Id hibernate annotationslt group. Id. lt artifact. Id hibernate annotationslt artifact. Id. lt version 3. GAlt version. Id hibernate commons annotationslt group. Id. lt artifact. Id hibernate commons annotationslt artifact. Id. lt version 3. GAlt version. Hibernate library dependecy start. Id dom. 4jlt group. Id. lt artifact. Id dom. Id. lt version 1. Id commons logginglt group. Id. lt artifact. Id commons logginglt artifact. Id. lt version 1. Id commons collectionslt group. Id. lt artifact. Id commons collectionslt artifact. Id. lt version 3. Id antlrlt group. Id. lt artifact. Id antlrlt artifact. Id. lt version 2. Hibernate library dependecy end. Model BO DAOThe Model, Business Object BO and Data Access Object DAO pattern is useful to identify the layer clearly to avoid mess up the project structure. Stock Model AnnotationA Stock model annotation class to store the stock data. Column. import javax. Entity. import javax. Generated. Value. Generation. Type. IDENTITY. import javax. Id. import javax. Table. import javax. Unique. Constraint. Tablename stock, catalog mkyong, unique. Constraints. Unique. Constraintcolumn. Names STOCKNAME. Unique. Constraintcolumn. Names STOCKCODE. Stock implements java. Serializable. private Integer stock. Id. private String stock. Code. private String stock. Name. public Stock. StockString stock. Code, String stock. Name. this. stock. Code stock. Code. Name stock. Name. Generated. Valuestrategy IDENTITY. Columnname STOCKID, unique true, nullable false. Integer get. Stock. Id. return this. Id. Stock. IdInteger stock. Id. this. stock. Id stock. Id. Columnname STOCKCODE, unique true, nullable false, length 1. String get. Stock. Code. return this. Code. public void set. Stock. CodeString stock. Code. this. stock. Code stock. Code. Columnname STOCKNAME, unique true, nullable false, length 2. String get. Stock. Name. return this. Name. public void set. Stock. NameString stock. Name. this. stock. Name stock. Name. String to. String. Stock stock. Code stock. Code, stock. Id stock. Id., stock. Name stock. Name. Stock Business Object BOStock business object BO interface and implementation, its used to store the projects business function, the real database operations CRUD works should not involved in this class, instead it has a DAO Stock. Dao class to do it. Stock. public interface Stock. Bo. void saveStock stock. Stock stock. void deleteStock stock. Stock find. By. Stock. CodeString stock. Code. Make this class as a bean stock. Bo in Spring Ioc container, and autowire the stock dao class. Autowired. import org. Service. import com. Stock. Bo. import com. Stock. Dao. import com. Stock. Servicestock. Bo. public class Stock. Bo. Impl implements Stock. Bo. Stock. Dao stock. Dao. public void set. Stock. DaoStock. Dao stock. Dao. Dao stock. Dao. Stock stock. stock. Dao. savestock. Stock stock. Dao. updatestock. Stock stock. stock. Dao. deletestock. Stock find. By. Stock. CodeString stock. Code. return stock. Dao. find. By. Stock. Codestock. Code. Stock Data Access Object. A Stock DAO interface and implementation. In last tutorial, you DAO classes are directly extends the Hibernate. Dao. Support, but its not possible to do it in annotation mode, because you have no way to auto wire the session Factory bean from your DAO class. The workaround is create a custom class Custom. Hibernate. Dao. Support and extends the Hibernate. Dao. Support and auto wire the session factory, and your DAO classes extends this class. Stock. public interface Stock. Dao. void saveStock stock. Stock stock. void deleteStock stock. Stock find. By. Stock. CodeString stock. Code. package com. Session. Factory. Autowired. import org. Hibernate. Dao. Support. Custom. Hibernate. Dao. Support extends Hibernate. Dao. Support. public void any. Method. NameSession. Factory session. Factory. Session. Factorysession. Factory. package com. List. import org.