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PHP 5. Install Ubuntu. This article will help you to How to Install PHP 5. PHP 7. 1 on Ubuntu 16. LTS, 14. 04 LTS systems using PPA. Hi I have a request, especially for the paid products. I am running this on an esxi install using only static IP. The script does not deal with this well. Ajenti_Ubuntu/img1.jpg' alt='Install Ftp Server Ubuntu Digitalocean' title='Install Ftp Server Ubuntu Digitalocean' />Debiancorward DNSDNSUbuntuLinuxMint. DigitalOcean-Droplet-1.png?w=1200&ssl=1' alt='Install Ftp Server Ubuntu Digitalocean' title='Install Ftp Server Ubuntu Digitalocean' />Then start the Virtual Machine. If it asks you if you moved or copied it choose copy. If youre on VMware Right click and OPen with Vmware playerImport the. OVAIf youre on Virtual. Box Click on File and choos. E import Appliance Browse to the file and choose it Then just hit Next Change name of the VM if you want, here I named it to Nextcloud and hit Import 4. LOG IN TO THE VIRTUAL MACHINEWhen the machine is started, you have to log in, using this credentials. Use putty. exe if youre on Windows to be able to copy and paste in terminal. When you are logged in you just type the sudo password like this sudo password for ncadmin nextcloud. The script runs as soon as you become root in Ubuntu. When the script is finished it gets deleted and you will be able to run the sudo i to become root command as usual. The VM is built upon the script, so if you dont run it you will run into issues. I. e. you will get a white screen instead of a login page when you try to access Nextcloud, and you manually have to add the trusted domains and such. Its important to run the script the first thing you do after youve logged in. The current keyboard setup is Swedish and if you dont know your language keymap short code, this is a Swedish keyboard HERE IS HOW YOU LOGIN If you should fail to write the password or something goes wrong, you can run the script manually by typing sudo bash varscriptsnextcloud startup script. PUTTY. EXE IF YOU WANT TO ACCESS THE SSH TERMINAL FROM A WINDOWS MACHINETo copy text in the terminal you just mark it. Right click with the mouse to paste it. ENTER YOUR INTERNAL STATIC IPMARK THE TEXTNote, if you logged in with SSH and then tries to reconnect after you ran the script you will be prompted to remove the old key in your users home folder. The command looks something like this ssh keygen f homedaniel. R 1. 92. 1. 68. 1. GET A TRUSTED SSL CERT WITH LETS ENCRYPTTo get a real SSL cert, you have to make some preparations. First thing is to forward port 4. The second thing is to get a domain. You can always run the script later on by typing sudo bash varscriptsactivate ssl. If you want others to access your Nextcloud from outside your own network you have to make it public. CONGRATULATIONS You have now successfully installed your Nextcloud. To access it, use your domain name, or internal static IP address. Please report issues here. Not in the comments below. PRO TIPThe Virtual Host default ssl. Nexcloud self signed ssl. Edit this file to suit your config, here is a guide. WRITE FASTER IN LINUX SHELLLinux predicts what you want to write. So instead of writing those looong commands and paths you could just use the tab button after you wrote a few letters.