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B Insert or connect your Windows 8 installation DVD or USB thumb drive. In the Computer window, right click on the Windows 8 installation USBDVD drive, and click on Open. Go to step 7. D. ORC After installing a free program like 7 Zip, right click on the Windows 8 ISO file, select 7 Zip and click on Extract Files, extract the ISO file to a folder ex Windows. Developer. Preview on your Desktop in Windows 7 or Vista, and open the extracted folder when finished. Go to step 7. D. NOWD Open the sources folder first, and run the setup. Warning. If you run the setup file in the root directory instead of the one in the sources folder, then you will be upgrading Windows 7 or Vista to Windows 8 instead of dual booting with Windows 8 and will lose Windows 7 or Vista. Step by step, screenshot guide to show you how to dual boot Ubuntu and Windows with UEFI. How To Install Oracle Java 7 JDK In Ubuntu Ubuntu Linux blog. The Ultimate Windows 7 and Ubuntu Linux Dual Boot Guide with screenshots and easytofollow steps. A beginnerfriendly dual boot tutorial for Windows and Ubuntu 16. Please read the description FULLY before commenting Disclaimer I am not responsible. This tutorial will guide you on how to install Linux Mint 18. Microsoft Operating System, such as Windows 8, 8. UEFI. How to Do a Dual Boot Installation with Windows 8 and Windows 7 or Vista Information This will show you how to set up a dual boot install. E Click on the Go online to get the latest updates for installation option. F Continue on to step 8. You can now finish doing a clean install of Windows 8 to either the empty HDD or partition from step 3, or the unallocated space created in step 4. Be sure to not select your Windows 7 or Vista partition to install Windows 8 to. If you do, Windows 8 will replace it. Unlock Selection Microsoft Word 2010. NOTE The screenshot below is at step 7 in the clean install tutorial. If this a Windows 8 upgrade copy, then you will now need to refresh Windows 8 for it to be activated. Warning. MICROSOFT SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENTWindows 8 EULAWhat about upgrading the softwareThe software covered by this agreement is an upgrade to your existing operating system XP SP3, Vista, or Windows 7 software, so the upgrade replaces the original software that you are upgrading. You do not retain any rights to the original software after you have upgraded and you may not continue to use it or transfer it in any way. This agreement governs your rights to use the upgrade software and replaces the agreement for the software from which you upgraded. After you complete your upgrade, additional software will be required to playback or record certain types of media, including DVDs. When finished, you will be in Windows 8 with Windows 8 set as the default OS to start after the wait time. Restarting Windows 8 will allow you to be able to select what OS you would like to start like in the example at the top of the tutorial. In a dual boot setup with Windows 8 and a previous version of Windows ex Windows 7 or Vista, then it is recommended to turn off Fast Startup to avoid possibly having issues with shut down, restart, and chkdsk. When finished, you can reconnect any hard drives from step 1.