Professional forum and technical support for computerIT pros for Microsoft Access Modules VBA Coding. Includes problem solving collaboration tools. Microsoft Access Split Database Architecture to Support Multiuser Environments, Improve Performance, and Simplify Maintainability Provided by Aparna Pophale, Quality. Microsoft Access is a rapid application development RAD relational database tool. Access can be used for both desktop and webbased applications, and uses VBA. Access provides a number of ways to copy an object such as a table or form from one database to another. Copying and pasting an object is easiest, but exporting an. MSAccess Basic 4 When you open a form, Microsoft Access retrieves the data from one or more tables, and displays it on the screen with the chosen layout in the Form. A developer may use a list box in the same way as you could use. The following example details using a list box within a form to provide. The form contains a list box with suitable criteria values. The user. can make their choice from the list and click the Run Query button. The form below shows the list box in place Microsoft Access List Box visible on the form to allow the user to. The list box data is created by using Row Source Type of TableQuery. SQL Row source of SELECT DISTINCT tbl. Companies. str. Company. County. FROM tbl. Companies. UNION SELECT All. FROM tbl. Companies This returns the Company Counties based upon tbl. Companies and will. ALL to allow the user to choose to return all of the records. Now the code behind the command button, cmd. Open. Query, which is required. It needs to check that the user has made a selection. The selection. can either consist of a single selection, multiple selections or. ALL option return all results. If the user has not selected. Once a selection is made by the user, the selections should. The command should open the query and display the correct resultsThe query is created by the code behind the command button within. The. associated code is shown below, this is attached to the On Click event. Open. Query Code Start. Private Sub cmd. Open. QueryClick. On Error Go. To Errcmd. Open. QueryClick. Dim My. DB As DAO. Database. Dim qdef As DAO. Query. Def. Dim i As Integer. Dim str. SQL As String. Dim str. Where As String. Dim str. IN As String. Dim flg. Select. All As Boolean. Dim var. Item As Variant. Set My. DB Current. Db. str. SQL SELECT FROM tbl. Companies. Build the IN string by looping through the listbox. For i 0 To lst. Counties. List. Count 1. If lst. Counties. Selectedi Then. If lst. Counties. Column0, i All Then. Select. All True. End If. str. IN str. IN lst. Counties. Column0, i ,. Create the WHERE string, and strip off the last comma of the IN string. Where WHERE str. Company. County in. Leftstr. IN, Lenstr. IN 1. If All was selected in the listbox, dont add the WHERE condition. If Not flg. Select. All Then. str. SQL str. SQL str. Where. My. DB. Query. Defs. Delete qry. Company. Counties. Set qdef My. DB. Create. Query. Defqry. Company. Counties, str. SQL. Open the query, built using the IN clause to set the criteria. Do. Cmd. Open. Query qry. Company. Counties, ac. View. Normal. Clear listbox selection after running query. For Each var. Item In Me. Counties. Items. Selected. Me. lst. Counties. Selectedvar. Item False. Next var. Item. Exitcmd. Open. QueryClick. Errcmd. Open. QueryClick. If Err. Number 5 Then. Msg. Box You must make a selections from the list. Selection Required. Resume Exitcmd. Open. Captain Tsubasa For Pc Download on this page. QueryClick. Write out the error and exit the sub. Msg. Box Err. Description. Resume Exitcmd. Open. QueryClick. Code End The code begins by building the IN expression needed. The code adds the single quote marks around the values and. If the user selects the ALL option then the criteria is not required. UNION ALL. If no selection is made a message box is invoked advising the user. Message Box returned when no items are selected from the list box. Once the items are selected from the list box, and the query has. Clear listbox selection after running query. For Each var. Item In Me. Counties. Items. Selected. Me. lst. Counties. Selectedvar. Item False. Next var. Item. To see this example in action you can download a copy of the Microsoft. Access 2. 00. 0 database example from the Microsoft. Access Queries page or the Microsoft. Access Downloads section.