Godot pronounced GODoh, gDOH, or godo was the mysterious coffeeloving prosecutor for. Largest online collection of video game concept art and character designs, freely accessible and void of watermarks. Big. Blue. Box. 16. KTR CFME0. 00. 40. F7. 0CC0. 0bbb p cfme. Fire. Emblem. Warriors. USA. N3. DS Big. Blue. Box. 01. 1. U3. DS Game. Etrian Odyssey V Beyond the Myth. Atlusen. VENOM8. 19. CTR BMZE0. 00. 40. C5. 10. 06. E1. 51. Dv eto. 5EtrianOdysseyVBeyondtheMyth3. DS VENOM6. 13. 52. U3. DS Game. 12. 42. Fire Emblem Warriors N3. DS OnlyNintendoen,fr,de,it,es. Li. GHTFORCE1. 63. KTR CFMP0. 00. 40. F7. 0CD0. 03. 72. A3. BA3lfc cfmp. FireEmblemWarriorsEURMULTI5N3. DS Li. GHTFORCE2. E3. DS Game. 12. 42. Culdcept Revolt. NIS Americaen,fr,de,it,es. PUSSYCAT4. 09. 6CTR AY3. P0. 00. 40. 00. 00. BCA0. 03. 5BAC4. E3cat ay. CuldceptRevoltEURMULTi. DS PUSSYCAT4. 94. E3. DS Game. 12. 42. Story of Seasons Trio of Towns. Nintendoen,fr,de,it. Li. GHTFORCE8. 19. CTR BB3. P0. 00. B5. BDC0. StoryofSeasons TrioofTownsEURMULTI53. DS Li. GHTFORCE7. E3. DS Game. 12. 42. Mario Luigi Superstar Saga Bowsers Minions. Nintendoen,fr,es. SUXXORS8. 19. 2CTR BRME0. B8. F0. 09. 52. D8. Csxs mlbm. MarioandLuigiSuperstarSagaandBowsersMinionsUSA3. DS SUXXORS6. 16. U3. DS Game. 12. 42. Laytons Mystery Journey Katrielle and the Millionaires Conspiracy. Install Toilet Distance From Wall. Nintendoen,fr,es. SUXXORS8. 19. 2CTR BLFE0. CB4. 00. F2. D8. 6A4. Csxs lmjk. LaytonsMysteryJourneyKatrielleandtheMillionairesConspiracyUSA3. DS SUXXORS9. 77. U3. DS Game. 12. 42. Culdcept Revolt. NIS Americaen. VENOM4. CTR AY3. E0. 00. 40. BEC0. 05. 0A2. E7. CuldceptRevolt3. DS VENOM4. U3. DS Game. 12. 42. Laytons Mystery Journey Katrielle and the Millionaires Conspiracy. Nintendoen,fr,de,it,es,nl. Li. GHTFORCE1. 63. CTR BLFP0. 00. 40. CA8. 00. F2. 51. 38. EBlfc blfp. LaytonsMysteryJourney KatrielleandtheMillionairesConspiracyEURMULTI63. DS Li. GHTFORCE1. E3. DS Game. 12. 41. Mario Luigi Superstar Saga Bowsers Minions. Nintendoen,fr,de,it,es,nl. Li. GHTFORCE8. 19. CTR BRMP0. 00. 40. B9. 00. 08. 6F1. 50. Blfc brmp. MarioandLuigi SuperStarSagaandBowsersMinionsEURMULTI63. DS Li. GHTFORCE6. E3. DS Game. 12. 41. Fire Emblem Musou N3. DS OnlyKoei Tecmo Gamesja. HR3. 27. 68. KTR CFMJ0. F7. 0C1. 00. 61. 45. B1. DEhr fem. FireEmblemMusouJPNNew. DS HR2. 24. 04. J3. DS Game. 12. 41. Yo Kai Watch 2 Psychic Specters. Level 5en,fr,de,it,es,nl,ru. TRSI3. 27. 68. CTR BYSP0. B2. 90. 0ECD4. 9FCBtrsi bysp. Yo KaiWatch2PsychicSpectersEURMULTi. DS TRSI3. 90. 61. E3. DS Game. 12. 41. Metroid Samus Returns. Nintendoen,fr,es. SUXXORS8. 19. 2CTR A9. AE0. 00. 40. 00. 00. BB2. 00. 13. A2. BB8. Csxs msr. MetroidSamusReturnsUSA3. DS SUXXORS7. 57. U3. DS Game. 12. 41. Metroid Samus Returns. Nintendoja. HR8. 19. CTR A9. AJ0. 00. BFC0. ADB7. 08. EBhr msr. MetroidSamusReturnsJPN3. DS HR7. 63. 59. 68. J3. DS Game. 12. 41. Metroid Samus Returns. Nintendoen,fr,de,it,es,nl. Li. GHTFORCE8. 19. CTR A9. AP0. 00. BFB0. AD8. E4. 08. Dlfc a. MetroidSamusReturnsEURMULTI63. DS Li. GHTFORCE7. E3. DS Game. 12. 41. Monster Hunter Stories. Capcomen,fr,es. SUXXORS1. CTR AAHE0. 00. 40. BC5. 00. 97. 25. 29. C5sxs mhst. MonsterHunterStoriesUSA3. DS SUXXORS1. 97. U3. DS Game. 12. 41. Hey Pikmin DEMONintendoen. Big. Blue. Box. 20. CTR BRCE0. 00. 40. C5. 90. 06. 67. 73. ED6bbb b brce. Hey. Pikmin. DEMO. USA. INTERNAL. 3. DS Big. Blue. Box. 13. 95. U3. DS Game. 12. 41. Monster Hunter Stories. Capcomen,fr,de,it,es,nl. Li. GHTFORCE1. 63. CTR AAHP0. 00. 40. BC6. 00. 66. C3. 39. MonsterHunterStoriesEURMULTI63. DS Li. GHTFORCE1. E3. DS Game. 12. 41. Tantei Jinguuji Saburou Ghost of the Dusk. Arc System Worksja. HR4. 09. 6CTR BG9. J0. 00. 40. 00. 00. BF4. 00. 70. 6B7. D2hr jsgod. TanteiJinguujiSaburouGhostoftheDuskJPN3. DS HR4. 38. 25. 15. J3. DS Game. 12. 40. Sekaiju to Fushigi no Dungeon 2. Atlusja. HR8. 19. CTR BD5. J0. 00. B2. B0. 8E4. E0. 9hr sfd. SekaijutoFushiginoDungeon2JPN3. DS HR 9. 16. 78. J3. DS Game. 12. 40. The Snack World Tre. Jarers. Level 5ja. HR8. 19. 2CTR BWSJ0. C1. 80. 05. 67. 64. Ehr snkwrd. TheSnackWorldTre. JarersJPN3. DS HR6. J3. DS Game. 12. 40. Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 Naruhodou Ryuunosuke no Kakugo. Capcomja. HR8. 19. CTR AJ2. J0. 00. AE2. B9. Dai GyakutenSaiban2NaruhodouRyuunosukenoKakugoJPN3. DS HR8. 81. 94. 66. J3. DS Game. 12. 40. Hey Pikmin. Nintendoen,fr,es. SUXXORS4. 09. 6CTR BRCE0. AFA0. 02. DCC2. B2. Bsxs hpkm. HeyPikminUSA3. DS SUXXORS4. 65. U3. DS Game. 12. 40. Miitopia. Nintendoen,fr,es. Big. Blue. Box. 81. CTR ADQE0. 00. 40. B4. E0. 0D8. 14. E0. Ebbb p adqe. Miitopia. USA. 3. DS Big. Blue. Box. 94. 14. 69. 69. U3. DS Game. 12. 40. Dragon Quest XI Sugisarishi Toki o Motomete. Square Enixja. HR3. CTR BTZJ0. 00. 40. C8. 15. 5Chr dq. DragonQuestXISugisarishiTokioMotometeJPN3. DS HR2. 72. 21. 60. J3. DS Game. 12. 40. Monster Hunter Stories Rev. Capcomja. HR1. 63. CTR AAHJ0. 00. 40. E1. 00. 25. 6F2. B2. MonsterHunterStoriesVer. KoushinbanJPN3. DS HR1. J3. DS Game. 12. 40. Miitopia. Nintendoen,fr,de,it,es,nl. TRSI8. 19. 2CTR ADQP0. B4. F0. 00. 08. E7. CBtrsi adqp. MiitopiaEURMULTi. DS TRSI9. 58. 16. E3. DS Game. 12. 40. Hey Pikmin. Nintendoen,fr,de,it,es,nl. TRSI4. 09. 6CTR BRCP0. AF8. 00. 7F0. DCBD3trsi brcp. HeyPikminEURMULTi. DS TRSI4. 73. 81. E3. DS Game. 12. 40. Dr Kawashimas Devlish Brain Training Can you stay Focused Rev. Nintendoen,fr,de,it,es,nl. TRSI8. 19. 2CTR ASRP0. B3. D0. 0DB3. 65. C3. 3trsi asrp. DrKawashimasDevlishBrainTrainingEURMULTi. DS TRSI8. 23. 68. E3. DS Game. 12. 39. Sumikko Gurashi Koko Doko Nandesu Nippon Columbiaja. HR4. 09. 6CTR AWHJ0. BFD0. 06. 3E2. 29. EDhr sumikko. 4SumikkoGurashiKokoDokoNan desuJPN3. DS HR4. 65. 27. 69. J3. DS Game. 12. 39. Laytons Mystery Journey Katrielle to Daifugou no Inbou. Level 5ja. HR8. 19. CTR BLFJ0. 00. 40. C1. 90. 04. 52. FE0. FAhr ltmj. LaytonsMysteryJourneyKatrielletoDaifugounoInbouJPN3. DS HR7. 93. 01. 42. J3. DS Game. 12. 39. Koueki Zaidan Houjin Nippon Kanji Nouryoku Kentei Kyoukai Kan. Ken Training 2. Imagineerja. HR1. 02. 4CTR B2. KJ0. 00. 40. 00. 00. B8. 00. 08. 7D4. 4D7. Dhr kantra. 2KankenTraining2JPN3. DS HR1. 55. 38. 58. J3. DS Game. 12. 39. Farming Simulator 1. Pocket Nouen 4. Intergrowja. HR1. 02. 4CTR A8. FJ0. 00. 40. 00. 00. BDE0. 05. E9. A5. Dhr fs. 18. FarmingSimulator1. PocketNouen4JPN3. DS HR1. 22. 07. 71. J3. DS Game. 12. 39. Hey Pikmin. Nintendoja. HR4. 09. 6CTR BRCJ0. A9. 20. 0C7. B5. 91. C1hr heypik. HeyPikminJPN3. DS HR4. 59. 29. 67. J3. DS Game. 12. 39. Ever Oasis Seirei to Tanebito no Mirage. Nintendoja. HR8. 19. CTR BAGJ0. 00. 40. A0. 09. F8. 46. 40. EverOasisSeireitoTanebitonoMirageJPN3. DS HR8. 01. 52. 16. J3. DS Game. 12. 39. Pascal Sensei Kanpeki Paint Bombers. Konamija. HR4. 09. CTR BP4. J0. 00. AE6. D8. 31. PasukaruSenseiPerfectPaintBombersJPN3. DS HR3. 07. 26. 96. J3. DS Game. 12. 39. Shin Hikari Shinwa Palutena no Kagami Rev. Nintendoja. HR1. 63. CTR AKDJ0. 00. 40. BE2. 64. 1hr shsv. ShinHikariShinwaPalutenanoKagamiv. JPN3. DS HR1. 62. J3. DS Game. 12. 39. Fish Eyes 3. D Rev. Marvelous AQLja. HR4. CTR ARFJ0. 00. 40. C7. F7. 88. 16hr fishi. FishEyes3. Dv. JPN3. DS HR3. 26. J3. DS Game. Fire Emblem Kakusei Rev. Nintendoja. HR1. 63. CTR AFEJ0. 00. 40. B5. 13. 6CBBhr fekv. FireEmblemKakuseiv. JPN3. DS HR1. 31. J3. DS Game. 12. 38. Ridge Racer 3. D Rev. Namco Bandai Gamesja. HR8. 19. 2CTR ARRJ0. FC7. 9B5. 6Ahr rr. RidgeRacer3. Dv. Professor Layton Wikipedia. Professor Laytona is a puzzleadventure game1 series for the Nintendo DS and Nintendo 3. DS, developed by Level 5. The series consists of six games and a film. A crossover game titled Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney has also been released for the Nintendo 3. DS, along with a mobile spin off. The first three games follow Professor Hershel Layton and Luke Tritons adventures together. The subsequent three games and the film are prequels, focusing on how Luke and Layton met and their original adventures. Each title is based on a series of puzzles and mysteries given by the citizens of towns that the main characters visit. It is not necessary to solve all the puzzles to progress, but some are mandatory, and at certain points in the game a minimum number of puzzles must be solved before the story can continue. Lifetime cumulative sales of Professor Layton games are at 1. October 2. 01. 0. As of April 2. HistoryeditProfessor Layton was a direct result of Akihiro Hinos childhood love of Akira Tagos popular Atama no Taisou series of puzzle books, which have sold more than 1. Japan. 3The main character in the Professor Layton games is Professor Hershel Layton, a renowned archaeologist and professor at Gressenheller University, as well as a polite and well spoken gentleman. He is called to solve various mysteries in different places, due to his connections to various people and his large range of expertise. Professor Layton is always accompanied by his apprentice, Luke Triton, a cheerful and curious boy who brings a touch of humor to the story of Layton. According to Hino, Layton is partly inspired by the character of Phoenix Wright of the Ace Attorney series. Wanting to improve over what he saw as bad points in Phoenixs character, he was able to develop Professor Layton. There was also a Friendly Version for The Curious Village, from which all weekly puzzles are unlocked, as well as the game being slightly easier for those who were troubled previously. For Diabolical Box, the Japan only Level 5 Premium SilverGold collections on Nintendo DS included an exclusive side story, Professor Layton and the London Holiday in addition to the actual game and another Level 5 game, Inazuma Eleven. The Holiday in London includes ten puzzles, some of which are from the first game, and a short storyline, set in Professor Laytons London office, in which he reminisces about his previous adventures around the world. Gameplayedit. The puzzle interface for the Professor Layton series allows the player to work out the teaser on the touch screen bottom part of the DS display, while following the instructions given on the top screen. This puzzle is from Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. The game is essentially a collection of puzzles with exploration sections between them. The player as Professor Layton, Luke and other characters explores their environment in a point and click adventure game fashion using the DSs touch screen. This can also be used to talk with non player characters, learn more about the environment, move between different areas, or to find hint coins that are used during puzzles. Often, when interacting with a person or object, the player will be presented with a puzzle, valued at a number of picarats, a type of currency within the game. Solving the puzzle correctly will earn the player that many picarats, but a wrong answer will reduce the value a small amount on subsequent attempts down to a minimal picarat number. In order to progress the plot, the player is required to solve specific puzzles, or to solve a minimum number of puzzles or gain a minimum amount of picarats. When the player leaves an area due to progression of the plot, puzzles they have yet to find or solve are collected and placed into a Puzzle Shack owned by a character known as Granny Riddleton, where they can return and attempt to resolve later. The Curious Village contains 1. The Diabolical Box contains 1. The Unwound Future contains 1. The later two having another special puzzle obtained via the use of codes found in the previous game, The Last Specter contains 1. The Miracle Mask contains 1. The Azran Legacy contains 1. The puzzles take the form of brain teasers and are only loosely tied to the plot. All puzzles were created for this series by Akira Tago, who is famous for his best selling Mental Gymnastics series. They take the form of math problems, logic puzzles, mazes, sliding block puzzles, and various forms of brain teaser. The games give the player the opportunity to bring up a translucent memo screen they can write on using the stylus to work out their answer before submission. If the player is stuck, they may spend one hint coin to receive a hint. Each puzzle has three hints available, and from The Unwound Future onwards, the games feature super hints that nearly solve the puzzle for the player but which can only be bought with two hint coins and after the three other hints have been revealed. The puzzles are not timed, though for puzzles such as mazes or sliding blocks, the player may be challenged to complete the puzzle in a limited number of moves. Each game features an additional set of three unique meta puzzle minigames that can be accessed at any time through Laytons Trunk. These minigames generally require the player to complete specific puzzles in the game to receive items andor challenges within the minigame for example, The Curious Village gives the player furniture as a reward for some puzzles, which then must be placed within a set of apartments to Laytons and Lukes exacting desires the minigame cannot be completed until all the furniture has been collected. Completing the story and minigames also unlocks a series of especially difficult puzzles, known as Laytons Challenges. Until its cancellation in 2. DS games could use the Nintendo Wi Fi Connection service to connect to the internet and download additional puzzles for a number of weeks after each games release, while the mainline 3. DS games feature a year long daily puzzle service via the Nintendo Network. Setting and charactersedit. Artwork from Professor Layton Royale, showing many characters from the series. The game takes place in and around contemporary London. CharacterseditProfessor Hershel Layton,Erushru Reiton is the title character and protagonist of the series. He is a stereotypical Englishgentleman, who enjoys solving puzzles and drinking tea. He is a professor of archeology at Londons Gressenheller University. Because of his prowess at solving puzzles and mysteries, he is well known throughout London. He wears a black top hat, along an orange shirt under a black high collared coat with matching pants. As he became a professor at age 2. Layton is voiced by Yo Oizumi in Japanese and Christopher Robin Miller in English. Luke Triton,Rku Toraiton is a young boy who accompanies Professor Layton. He aspires to be a gentleman like his professor, though, like many boys his age, he has a tendency to let a cheeky remark slip out. He is fond of puzzles, animals, teddy bears, and the color blue. Luke is also able to understand and converse with animals and has an appetite he can never seem to quench. While he consistently wears a sweater throughout the first trilogy, he wears suspenders in The Last Specter and The Eternal Diva, a vest in The Miracle Mask, and an open coat in The Azran Legacy.