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Parrot Hydrofoil is a nextgeneration minidrone. It can glide on water just as well as it flies through the air. Fast and strong, it is equipped with propeller. JPa5UB3u' alt='Real Desktop V 1 63 Set Up Email Account' title='Real Desktop V 1 63 Set Up Email Account' />Canva makes design simple for everyone. Create designs for Web or print blog graphics, presentations, Facebook covers, flyers, posters, invitations and so much more. The mindfulness craze has already been tapped for a huge variety of benefitsimproved sleep, increased productivity, cutting out mindless snacking, etc. And we now. If youre living with someone or in a relationship or a marriage with someone, you are giving up a lot of your privacy rights because youre sharing a lot with. Set in Mexico during the Day of the Dead, the movie honors a culture thats often overlooked. Change-the-Email-Signature-on-an-iPad-Step-4-Version-6.jpg/aid1261989-v4-728px-Change-the-Email-Signature-on-an-iPad-Step-4-Version-6.jpg' alt='Real Desktop V 1 63 Set Up Email Account' title='Real Desktop V 1 63 Set Up Email Account' />The latest Palm Springs area news from The Desert Sun newspaper in the California desert. Coachella Valley photos, obituaries and events calendar. Real Desktop V 1 63 Set Up Email Account' title='Real Desktop V 1 63 Set Up Email Account' />Robs Latest Postings. Posted Tuesday, 2. September 2. 01. 5When Apple made a phone, it turned out it wasnt really competing in the handset business it was competing for the next dominant personal computing platform. The more I think about an Apple car, the more I think that it might be the basis of their future computing environment a space that is completely aware of and responsive to its occupants. In that sense it might be more of a long term competitor to the Amazon Echo and whatever Android variant Google is pitching at the same space than to Teslas cars. From this perspective, maybe the thing thats kept the Apple. TV on hold for so long is that they were trying to go down this road, but they kept failing to pull it off to their standards in the living room. Perhaps they learned a few things along the way. The Apple Car Posted Tuesday, 22 September 2015. When Apple made a phone, it turned out it wasnt really competing in the handset business it was competing for. NET Framework pronounced dot net is a software framework developed by Microsoft that runs primarily on Microsoft Windows. It includes a large class library named. Just a thought. Addendum. Three points for clarification Im actually not claiming that an Apple Personal Space is either the focus of any initial product or any concrete long term plan. Download School Days For Free more. The i. Phone almost ran the i. Pod operating system, and it doesnt seem like Steve envisioned the success of the App Store and thus i. OS as a platform. Im pointing out that Tesla focuses on cars, Uber focuses on transportation, and Google focuses on technology, while Apple focuses on experiences. If they trap a user in a physical bubble, its in the companys DNA to turn that bubble into the worlds most carefully studied and controlled experience. Obviously the i. Phone upended the incumbent handset industry, so Nokia certainly saw Apple as a competitor. But I doubt Apple ever viewed Nokia that way, because they never saw Nokia as competing in the personal computing business. The competitors were Microsoft and Google Apple was after the growth of a new industry the sales in an existing one were collateral damage. If Apples first offering is disruptive, it will most likely be due to innovations they bring to the auto manufacturing process and are thus relatively invisible to consumers. Any truly compelling mass market computing environment would evolve iteratively over years. Posted Saturday, 2. February 2. 01. 5The old What if they hired carpenters they way they hire programmers jokecommentary didnt sit right with me the first time I read it, and after stumbling across it again I now see why. Among other things Its a complaint without a solution. Ive never met anyone in the software industry who is happy with the hiring process, and that includes everyone whos designed the process. Nobody seems to have a solution to separating the potential stars from the mehs, and anyone who claims they do either doesnt have enough perspective to understand the difficulty of the problem young interviewers who have been trained in one particular hiring style seem to be blessed with the arrogance of blind faith, or theyve perfected the art of hiring the mediocre a sufficiently rigorous process can probably rule out almost all the disastrous hires, but will likely also lose a few starsand its finding the stars that is the problem. Pouting that interviews suck without suggesting any improvements is just childish, and doubly so if youre complaining not about the bizarre puzzle question or culture fit interviews, but about being questioned on knowledge and experience. Technical interviews can be annoying and they can be done badly, but Id still much rather work in an industry that does tech interviews than one forced to rely solely on CV reviews and personality driven poking at soft skills. Engineers arent carpenters. Theres always a terrific slight of hand going on when software developers try to draw analogies to other fields. Blue collar credentials and being treated like a unique, creative, and highly paid professional just arent compatible. Programmers are the architects and structural engineers who design the buildings they get programming languages and frameworks and IDEs to hammer the nails. I have no doubt that the industry is full of coders banging out one CRUD app after another, but their work bears a lot more relation to architects customizing a house design to a particular site or, a better analogy, 1. The exceptionscoders who really want nothing more than to follow some formula and take no responsibility for the resultare exactly who interviewers are trying to weed out. Its disrespectful to carpenters. Of course, there are carpenters who are creative craftsmen of the first order. Those arent the guys youre going to bend over backwards to hire to frame your walls. The whole story seems to be built on the premise that the only skill a carpenter has is the ability to drive a nail straight, making any notion of an interview farcical. Returning the first point, I suppose the implication is that driving a nail is the fizzbuzz of carpentry. The interviewee is worse than the interviewer. Lets just cover the first few questions So, youre a carpenter, are you How long have you been doing it If the only way you can describe your work is Im a programmer. For ten years now. I just dont believe you. Yes it would be friendlier if the interviewer led a bit with What kind of work have you been doing or Tell me about some of your favorite projects. The main premise of this complaint about programming interviews is that a programmer is a programmer is a programmer, and the details dont matter, and thats straight up bullshit. Have you worked on high performance systems Distributed applications User interfaces Large scale softwareTheres a hell of a difference between a framer, a cabinet maker, and a furniture maker. As an interviewer Im open to the idea that someone good at any one of these probably has great potential for any of the others, but if youve got nothing more to say about your career than that youve done general things in a general sort of way, you cant exactly blame me for taking my own direction on what details Im going to dig into. First of all, were working in a subdivision building a lot of brown houses. Have you built a lot of brown houses beforeI dont see a lot of brown paint in the world. Some, but not much. There is, however, a lot of brown stain, and brown shingling, and brown brick. And all those kinds of brown would seem to be of major interest to a carpenter if something is being stained instead of painted then Id think that would affect the choice of wood. Maybe even how its joined. I dont know Im not a carpenter. Questions like this are exactly how a good interviewer separates a blinkered newbie from an expert with perspective. If youre building a software library that will be called by a UI, then responsiveness matters. If youre writing an order processing system open to the public, then you need to consider denial of service issues. If the overall software system will be distributed, then the architecture needs to take rollout into consideration. Shrugging off context is only a professional qualification for field goal kickers. What about walnut Have you worked much with walnut In this hypothetical, were talking about a job building houses. Houses are most commonly built using platform framing of stud walls made from spruce, pine, or fir. Soft woods. Relatively cheap. Walnut is an expensive hard wood. What to Know About Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana. Imagine a time when it wasnt accepted that drunk driving made you more likely to get in an accident, when there wasnt consensus about what constitutes drunk driving, nary a clue about how to measure your impairment, and no idea about whether anti drunk driving laws were necessary or how they should work. All of this happened with alcohol, and its happening again with cannabis. Cannabis is legal to some extent in a majority of states, and while it is generally accepted that cannabis use overall has grown in the past 1. So, is it OK to drive if Im high I mean, its legal, rightNope. Alcohol is legal, but drunk driving isnt. Codeine and oxycodone are legal, too, if prescribed by your doctor, but its illegal to drive under their influence. Similarly, it is illegal, even in places where cannabis is legal for recreational use, and yes, even if you have been okayed to use it for medical reasons, to drive while youre impaired by marijuana. Period. How Do I Know if Im Impaired Or Is it OK to Drive If Im Just a Little High Define a little high. Anti drunk driving activists might similarly ask you to define buzzed or a little drunk. The problem is that nobody really knows what impairment means when it comes to cannabis. You might have seen charts that tell you, based on your sex and weight, how many alcoholic drinks consumed over how many hours are likely to qualify you as impaired or intoxicated. This week were talking about microdosing the use of relatively low doses of psychedelics, such as Read more Read. But alcohol is unique. It is relatively simple to track the way that it is absorbed, distributed, and eliminated from the body its pharmacokinetics and how those processes affect your brain and body its pharmacodynamics but these processes are far more complex and variable for drugs, including cannabis at this point we dont know enough to make up a similar chart for weed. The presence of THCthe primary psychoactive component in cannabisin the drivers body has not been shown to be a reliable measure of driver impairment. Peer reviewed research suggests that cannabis users wait a minimum of three to four hours after use before driving NORML, a non profit that works to legalize cannabis, suggests that users not drive while they feel impaired which, yes, includes feeling a little high or buzzed. How Does Cannabis Impact Driving SkillsDoes consuming cannabis impair your driving ability Contribute to car crashes Dunno, says the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration. Though its generally agreed upon that you shouldnt drive if you feel even a little high, as mentioned above, NHTSAs July 2. Congress on marijuana impaired driving points out that currently, no one has figured out how to measure how stoned someone is just sitting on their couch, let alone developed a toolakin to the breathalyzerthat can quickly and accurately be used roadside by law enforcement. From driving simulation research we know that using cannabis has been shown to impair key driving related skills including reaction time, tracking ability, and target detection cognitive skills like judgment, anticipation, and divided attention and executive functions like route planning and risk taking. But they didnt find a clear link between cannabis use and car crashes. As someone who lives in a city with a veritable assload of cyclists, I live in constant fear ofRead more Read. We also know that whereas people under the influence of alcohol tend to underestimate how impaired they are, those under the influence of cannabis tend to overestimate it. Compared to a sober person, someone who has consumed cannabis typically drives more slowly, follows other cars at greater distances, and takes fewer risks. Those who have consumed alcohol do the opposite they generally drive faster, follow at closer distances, and take greater risks. Some researchersthe NHTSA among themsay that cannabis users behavior suggests that theyre trying to compensate for how messed up they feel. However, these researchers caution that a drivers conscious attempts at conservative driving still cant make up for the whole raft of skills that cannabis impacts. Advocates for cannabis legalization point to studies showing that drivers under the influence of cannabis are only slightly more likely to be involved in crashes than those who are sober, and are much less likely to get into accident than those who are impaired by alcohol or alcohol combined with other drugs, including cannabis. What Happens if Youre Pulled Over While Youre High With alcohol, if you are involved in a crash or pulled over by law enforcement for erratic driving you will be given a breathalyzer test. If this test reveals that your blood alcohol concentration BAC is over the. Since there is no marker like BAC for cannabis, theres also no breathalyzer type gizmo with which to measure how much cannabis youve consumed. That said, there are other tests that law enforcement rely on to measure your impairment if youre pulled over or involved in a crash. In addition to the Field Sobriety Test, you might be subjected to a Drug Influence Evaluation DIE, in which a trained Drug Recognition Expert DRE looks for physiological manifestations of drug use including blood pressure, pupil size, and red eyes. Depending on where you live, you might not encounter a DRE there are only some 8. DREs by state here. Marijuana has a healthier image than many other drugs or, depending on who you ask, alcohol, andRead more Read. Whats the Deal with DUID Driving Under the Influence of Drugs Laws and Cannabis Five states Montana, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Washington have per se DUID laws which work the same way as alcohol per se laws If a blood test shows that you have more than a specified amount of THC in your blood generally 5 nanograms of THC per milliliter of blood, you dont have to have failed the Field Sobriety Test or the DIE to be considered to be in violation of DUID law. Colorado law also imposes a 5ngml THC in blood threshold but this threshold is not per se a defendant may successfully argue that they were unimpaired despite having more than 5ngml THC in their system. There are also now zero tolerance per se laws in 1. Arizona, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Utah, and Wisconsin which take things one step further in these states, anyone found with any measurable level of THC or its one of its metabolites a substance necessary for its metabolism in their blood will be considered to be in violation of DUID law. Yes, even though blood draws are not done roadside and even though THC can linger in the blood for up to 3. Medical marijuana is a safe alternative treatment option by comparison, but its still a powerful Read more Read. But in most states, the DUID laws are effect based. In order to convict you, a prosecutor must prove that your observed impairment andor incapacity at the time of a crash or traffic stop was due to the ingestion of cannabis rather than just how much THC was in your blood when you were tested. To prove their case, prosecutors typically rely on all of the evidence at their disposal results of the Field Sobriety Test, testimony from a Drug Recognition Expert, plus toxicological exam results indicating recent consumption of a controlled substance.