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Microsoft SQL Server is a suite of relational database management system RDBMS products providing multiuser database access functionality. SQL Server is available. THIS TOPIC APPLIES TO SQL Server starting with 2008 Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Data Warehouse Parallel Data Warehouse. Returns the sum of all the values, or. Sql Syntax In Microsoft Query Sum' title='Sql Syntax In Microsoft Query Sum' />Our SQL tutorial will teach you how to use commonly used SQL commands and you. SQL tutorial to. any of the databases above. If you have a few minutes please watch our SQL Tutorial Video below, which will give you a jump start into SQL and database development. SQL Tutorial Table of Contents. SQL Tutorial. This chapter explains what SQL Structured Query Language is, and where and how it is used. SQL. Table. SQL Database Tables are the building blocks of every RDBMS Relational Database Management System. Learn more about SQL tables here. SQL SELECTLearn how to use the SELECT SQL statement to retrieve data from one or more SQL database tables andor database views. SQL SELECT. INTO. Learn how to use the SQL SELECT INTO statement to copy data between database tables. SQL DISTINCTLearn how to use the SQL DISTINCT clause together with the SQL SELECT keyword, to return a dataset with unique entries for certain database table columns. SQL WHEREThe SQL WHERE clause is used to specify selection criteria, thus restricting the result of a SQL query or SQL data manipulation statements like UPDATE and DELETE. SQL LIKEThe SQL LIKE clause is used along with the SQL WHERE clause and specifies filtering criteria based on a string pattern. SQL INSERT. INTO. Learn how to use the SQL INSERT INTO clause to insert data into a SQL database table. SQL UPDATEThe SQL UPDATE statement is used to modify data in a SQL database table. SQL DELETELearn how to use the SQL DELETE statement to delete remove records from a SQL database table. SQL ORDER BYLearn how to use the SQL ORDER BY clause to sort the data retrieved in your SQL query in ascending or descending order. SQL OR ANDLearn how to use the SQL OR AND keywords together with the SQL WHERE clause to add several conditions to your SQL statement. SQL INThe SQL IN clause allows you to specify discrete values in your SQL WHERE search criteria. SQL BETWEENThe SQL BETWEEN AND keywords define a range of data between 2 values. SQL Aliases. SQL aliases can be used with database tables andor with database table columns, depending on task you are performing. SQL COUNTThe SQL COUNT aggregate function is used along with the SELECT keyword to count the number of rows returned from a SQL query. SQL MAXThe SQL MAX aggregate function allows us to select the highest maximum value for a certain column. SQL MINThe SQL MIN aggregate function allows us to select the lowest minimum value for a certain column. SQL AVGThe SQL AVG aggregate function selects the average value for a certain table column. SQL SUMThe SQL SUM aggregate function allows selecting the total for a numeric column. SQL GROUP BYThe SQL GROUP BY statement is used along with the SQL aggregate functions like SUM to provide means of grouping the result dataset by certain database table columns. SQL HAVINGThe SQL HAVING clause is used to restrict conditionally the output of a SQL statement, by a SQL aggregate function used in your SELECT list of columns. SQL JOINThe SQL JOIN clause is used whenever we have to select data from 2 or more tables related by common columns.