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Top 10 Worst Diseases Cracked Ribs' title='Top 10 Worst Diseases Cracked Ribs' />The stomach flu or gastroenteritis is a condition that typically causes inflammation of the stomach and small intestines. This sickness. DR. RUSSELL SCHIERLING Schierling Chiropractic, LLC BLOGBy now most people realize that FASCIA is the most abundant connective tissue in the body, and that it encompasses not only the slick cellophane like membrane that surrounds muscles, but is likewise the sheath that surrounds bones, nerves, organs, and blood vessels as well. In other words, Fascia is a big deal Although fascia has numerous purposes, one of its chief functions is to create frictionless surfaces so that all of these various structures can move freely, sliding on each other without effort or wear. Enter inflammation. Inflammation presents a conundrum to friction free fascia. On one hand its critical for normal healing processes and should be harnessed. But on the other, if there is too much inflammation, rest assured there will be problems lots of problems HERE. Furthermore, its critical to realize that the end result of too much inflammation, no matter where said inflammation is, is always the same fibrosis. FIBROSIS is just what it sounds like fibrotic tissue that is otherwise known as SCAR TISSUE microscopically it tends to look and act more like a HAIRBALL than well combed hair. Fibrosis leaves people in a quandary a FULL BLOWN CONUNDRUM that I have written about repeatedly. Considering that fibrosis is Americas leading cause of death, I sincerely hope folks are getting the message. Enter Dr. Lawrence Wilson. Dr. News and opinion from The Times The Sunday Times. Wilson is an MD BS from MIT who was a protege of the brilliant biochemist, Dr. Paul Eck. The focus of their clinical practice was mineral balancing, as well as pioneering the use of hair analysis to diagnose these imbalances. I was turned on to their work two decades ago when I attended a number of Dr. Janet Langs Integrated Endocrinology seminars. Read these cherry picked statements from Dr. Wilsons article titled Adhesions. In the body, an adhesion is an abnormal attachment or stickiness between two or more body tissues. Adhesions are a type of scarring or scar tissue that causes two tissues to stick together in an abnormal way. Adhesions may also be viewed as a kind of substitute physical and chemical structure that can develop in the body. In other words, adhesions can replace or substitute for other structures such as muscles, tendons, ligments and even bones that have become weakened or are out of place, or are not functioning for some other reason. In this case, the adhesions are compensations and adaptations to some kind of weakness or other problem in the body. Adhesions are always a toxic adaptation or condition. Adhesions can interfere with the blood supply and the nerve supply to various parts of the body. They also restrict bodily movement and cause poor posture. For these reasons, adhesions often cause disease and shorten a persons lifespan. In some cases, they become vicious cycles, in which case they are even worse. The most common site of adhesions is in the fascia layers, which are under the skin. However, they can occur at other sites, including the cell membranes, the intercellular substance and matrix, the muscles, tendons, ligaments, skin, organs and elsewhere. In all cases, they involve a hardening, toughening or fibrosis of the body tissues. The main cause of adhesions appear to be inflammation that is not correctly resolved. Unresolved inflammation is often, or perhaps always due to nutritional imbalances, but may also be caused by a trauma such as a surgery, a fall, or something else. Inflammation may also be due to an infection. What is called scarring is nothing more than adhesions in the tissues that are visible, or can be felt or palpated with ones hand. Unfortunately, most adhesions cannot be felt. They go undetected and are not dealt with by most medical and holistic doctors and practitioners. After discussing the conundrum I mentioned earlier he refers to it as a vicious cycle, Wilson goes on to talk about many of the same things I deal with on my site, including the fact that both CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS and THERAPY are a waste of time if these adhesions the scar tissue that occurs mostly in the FASCIA LAYER are not properly dealt with first. Dr. Wilson has his own nutritional protocol for dealing with inflammation that while certainly not the same, shares many of the same traits as PALEO. And while nutrition is also an integral part of my OVERALL PROTOCOL for helping patients regain their lives as well as SOLVING THEIR OWN BACK OR NECK PAIN, there is another principle I agree with him on as well. Medical drugs often subtly irritate, damage and congeal the tissues. These are among the adverse effects of these drugs. In fact, allopathic remedies cause so much adhesion damage that I predict that someday most of them will be outlawed. Tough to argue that we dont take WAY TOO MANY DRUGS I an article called Fascia and Inflammation, Kevin M. Cronin, a PT and owner of several Chicago area Physical Therapy clinics, said this of the connection. Nearly all painful conditions are accompanied by inflammation of the fascia. Fascia is the connective tissue that is abundant throughout the entire body and covers all nerves, arteries, veins, and internal organs of the body. Fascia is filled with millions of nerve endings and also contains smooth muscle cells, so it can contract if injured or traumatized, and also cause skeletal muscle to tighten. The inflammatory chemicals make those same nerve endings even more sensitive, so that now it takes only takes a very mild strain to cause more inflammation, muscle spasm, and pain. So, fascia is everywhere and when it is attacked by inflammation, it tends to not only create scar tissue, but to become HYPER SENSITIZED see link for Dr. Chan Gunns amazing work. Although not as hard line as Wilson, Cronins article also warned of the dangers posed by trying to deal with inflammation via drugs HERE or HERE. Because fascia is so important to your bodys ability to move and maintain NORMAL POSTURE something spoken of by both Cronin, Wilson, and the guy we are going to talk about next, it obviously has important biomechanical properties attached to it no pun intended. Closely related to both engineering and physics, biomechanics is simply the application of mechanical principles to biological systems tissues, cells, organs, limbs, joints, etc, etc. Avg Software Free Download Window 7. Three weeks ago, Mc. Gill University engineer, Dr. Mark Driscoll, published a paper called Fascia The Unsung Hero of Spine Biomechanics, in which he discussed the various roles that fascia plays as a tissue whose unique properties allow it to be used to gain mechanical advantage in a variety of situations. Over the last decade fascia has gained acknowledgement as a player in biomechanics by way of conveying mechanical forces directly or indirectly. The spine is a biomechanical marvel in regards to its intricate control and performance. However, because of such complexities many things can go wrong, perhaps why the spine is responsible for plaguing so many with pain. The role of fascia in spinal stability has yet to be fully understood but several novel and valuable discoveries have been made. Clinically, many researchers have shown and alluded to the role of the thoracolumbar fascia TLF in spine stability.