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Excellent tutorial on how to install an Apache Tomcat6 server on CentOS 5. Linux web server distribution. Linux RHEL 6 CentOS 6 two NICs in the same subnet, but secondary doesnt ping. The Apache web server is one of the most popular and powerful web servers in the world, due to its ease of administration and flexibility. In this tutorial. Ham Radio Software on Centos Linux Configuring multitudes of Amateur HAM Radio software for Centos6 Centos5 Linux. If you havent checked out Guacamole, you seriously need to, but if youve been homelabbing for awhile then youve probably at least heard of it. Guacamole is an open. Find out how to install PHP 5. PHP 5. 6 on CentOS 6 and 7 easily with yum. Step by step guide on how to do it safelyGoogle Chrome 6. Released Install on RHELCent. OS 76 and Fedora 2. Google Chrome is a freeware web browser developed by Google Inc. Google Chrome team proudly announced the release of Google Chrome 6. August 2, 2. 01. 7. The actual version is 6. Linux and Mac OS XWindows operating system. This new version bundled with a number of exciting fixes, features and improvements. If you would like to know more other cool features of this release, please visit at Googles Chrome Features. In this tutorial we will show you how we have practically installed Google Chrome 6. Cent. OS 7. 3 server using Googles own repository with Yum tool and a third party script from Richard Lloyd, which installs latest chrome version on older RHELCent. OS and Fedora versions. Important Google Chrome support for all 3. Linux distributions is deprecated from March, 2. By using Googles official repository you will keep your Chrome browser up to date. However, same instructions should also work on RHEL 7. Update Centos 4 To 6' title='Update Centos 4 To 6' />Cent. OS 7. x6. x and Fedora 2. Step 1 Enable Google YUM repository. Create a file called etcyum. Step 2 Installing Chrome Web Browser. This article will help you the Simple steps to How to Install JAVA 7 JDK 7on CentOSRHEL and Fedora System, New upgrade available of Java 7 is JAVA 7u79. This post will guide you a stepbystep installation of Community ENTerprise Operating System CentOS 6. Install Nagios on Linux. How to Setup Nagios Monitoring Server on CentOSRHEL 765. Nagios is an open source, powerful monitoring system. Free Microsoft Publisher Magazine Templates more. Install-MariaDB-in-CentOS-7.png' alt='Update Centos 4 To 6' title='Update Centos 4 To 6' />First, check whether the latest version available from the Googles own repository using following yum command. Sample Output. Check Google Chrome Package Info. Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile. Available Packages. Name google chrome stable. Arch x. 866. Version 6. Release 1. Size 5. M. Repo google chrome. Summary Google Chrome. URL https chrome. License Multiple, see https chrome. Description The web browser from Google. Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier. Do you see the highlighted output in the above, that clearly telling that the latest version of chrome is available from repository. So, lets install it using yum command as shown below, which will automatically install all needed dependencies. Sample Output. Install Google Chrome in Linux. Loaded plugins fastestmirror, langpacks, product id, search disabled repos, subscription manager, versionlock. Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile. Resolving Dependencies. Running transaction check. Package google chrome stable. Finished Dependency Resolution. Dependencies Resolved. Package Arch Version Repository Size. M. Transaction Summary. Install 1 Package. Total download size 5. M. Installed size 2. M. Is this ok ydN y. Update Sadly, the Google Chrome browser no longer supports the most famous commercial distribution RHEL 6. Cent. OS and Scientific Linux. Yes, theyve discontinued support for RHEL 6. X version as of Google Chrome and on other side, latest Firefox and Opera browsers run successfully on the same platforms. Luckily, there is a script developed by Richard Lloyd, that automatically download and install latest Google Chrome browser by picking libraries from a more recent released distro and put those libraries in optgooglechromelib directory and then you can able to run Google Chrome on RHELCent. OS 6. x versions. Sample Output. Richard Lloyd Google Chrome Script. Google Chrome Installer 7. C Richard K. Lloyd 2. Creating temporary directory tmpchromeinstall. Changing working directory to tmpchromeinstall. Generating a list of out of date packages please wait. Checking for an update to installchrome. Downloading version. Resolving chrome. Connecting to chrome. HTTP request sent, awaiting response. OK. Saving to version. Ks in 0s. 2. 01. KBs version. Determining latest Google Chrome version number please wait. Downloading chromeversions. Resolving omahaproxy. Connecting to omahaproxy. HTTP request sent, awaiting response. OK. Length 3. 18 textplain. Saving to chromeversions. Ks in 0s. 2. 01. MBs chromeversions. Latest google chrome stable version number is 6. Downloading google chrome stablecurrentx. Resolving dl. google. Connecting to dl. HTTP request sent, awaiting response. OK. Length 4. 37. M applicationx rpm. Saving to google chrome stablecurrentx. MBs in 1. 4s. 2. MBs google chrome stablecurrentx. Google Chrome 6. 0. Installing Google Chrome 6. RPM please wait. Preparing. Updating installing. Redirecting to binsystemctl start atd. Google Chrome 6. 0. MB. tmpchromeinstall tree contains 1 files totalling 4. MB. Google Chrome 6. Please run the browser via the google chrome command as a non root user. To update Google Chrome, run yum update google chrome stable or. To uninstall Google Chrome. Step 3 Starting Chrome Web Browser. Start browser with non root user. Welcome screen of Chrome web browser. Welcome Google Chrome. Exploring www. tecmint. Chrome web browser. Google Chrome Preview on Cent. OS 7. Download Two Free Google Chrome e. Books. Google Chrome Cheat Sheet This free ebook contains dozens of other helpful keyboard shortcuts that will help you on how to use Google Chrome efficiently. Essential Chrome Tips This free ebook provides certain useful but overlooked Chrome tips that have the potential to significantly enhance a Chrome users everyday experience. Thats it, enjoy browsing with Chrome and do let me know your browsing experience with Chrome via comments.