Herpes. This is a viral infection caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus HSV. Herpes is infectious and spreads through skin to skin contact. This infection can cause itchy, painful, white spotsĀ on lips. Herpes is not curable, although the infection can be suppressed and the symptoms avoided. Treatments. Herpes can be treated with antiviral oral and topical medications. Mucous Cyst. These cysts cause pink or white sacs of fluid to appear on the lips, which are caused by biting, sucking or otherwise irritating the lip. In most cases these cysts are small and painless and should not cause additional complications. After a few days these cysts may rupture and release the fluid inside. Treatments. If your cyst does not rupture on its own you can open it at home or visit the doctor. If you continue to irritate this area it may form a permanent bump which will only be able to be removed with surgery. You may need to alter your habits to prevent this from occurring. Thrush. Thrush refers to a yeast infection along the mucous membranes inside the mouth that causes velvety, white sores to appear all over the mouth. Conditions such as HIV, diabetes or other illnesses can make you susceptible to thrush. This condition is also more common in the elderly and infants. Treatments. In most cases thrush is not serious, unless you are suffering from another condition that has compromised your immune system. Consuming yogurt that contains probiotics can help to clear away thrush. Rinsing the mouth with a 3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution can also help to reduce this growth. Lip Cancer. Lips are a common area often afflicted with skin cancer. Lip cancer is more common in males over the age of 5. This condition often goes undetected as it is mistaken for another illness. However, a biopsy can reveal the true condition. The most common cause of lip cancer is overexposure to the suns ultraviolet rays. Treatments. Lip cancer is treated in the same form of any other cancer depending on its stage. Treatment may involve radiation or chemotherapy or both. Other Causes. White spots on lips may also be appear repeated trauma such as biting your lip or a physical injury to the face that can cause the skin to change or ulcers to form. In some cases acne can form around the lips that will cause blackheads or white heads to appear. In order to determine what type of spots you have developed you should have your condition examined by a professional so you can get the right treatment to maintain your health and return your appearance to normal.