R2. Postgre. SQL features that may require significant re design when migrating to Oracle. Converting most popular expressions and queries. Converting SQL language elements. Postgre. SQLOracle 1 SQLERRM Error message SQLERRM 2 SQLSTATE Error code SQLCODE. Converting built in SQL data types. Postgre. SQLOracle 1 BIGINT 6. NUMBER1. 9 2 BIGSERIAL 6. Sequence and trigger 3 BITn Fixed length bit string RAWn8 4 BIT VARYINGn Variable length bit string RAWn8 5 BOOLEAN, BOOL True, false or NULL CHAR1 6 BYTEA Variable length binary data, 2. G BLOB 7 CHARACTERn, CHARn Fixed length string, 1 n 1. G CHARACTERn, CHARn 8 CHARACTER VARYINGn Variable length string, 1 n 1. G VARCHAR2n 9 DATE Date year, month and day DATE Includes time part 1. DECIMALp,s, DECp,s Fixed point number NUMBERp,s 1. DOUBLE PRECISION Double precision floating point BINARYDOUBLE 1. FLOAT4 Single precision floating point BINARYFLOAT 1. FLOAT8 Double precision floating point BINARYDOUBLE 1. INTEGER, INT 3. 2 bit integer NUMBER1. Oracle Find Last Row. Oracle Database Tips by Donald BurlesonJune 30, 2015. Hi,I am pretty new to SAP IdM and therefore have a very basic question. I am using SAP IdM 7. SP8 on Oracle. I was creating a job where I calculated some values from. I have an Oracle DB with a timestamp field in it. What is the correct SQL code to insert a timestamp into this field Question After converting a timestamp into milliseconds and then adding some milliseconds in that value, Can we convert those milliseconds into a new. INT2 1. 6 bit integer NUMBER5 1. INT4 3. 2 bit integer NUMBER1. INT8 6. 4 bit integer NUMBER2. INTERVAL Date and time interval INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTHINTERVAL DAY TO SECOND 1. INTERVAL unit Date and time interval NUMBER5 2. Command To Check Patch Installed In Solaris Operating. INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH Date interval INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH 2. INTERVAL DAY TO HOUR Day and time interval INTERVAL DAY5 TO SECOND 2. INTERVAL DAY TO MINUTE Day and time interval INTERVAL DAY5 TO SECOND 2. INTERVAL DAY TO SECONDp Day and time interval INTERVAL DAY5 TO SECONDp 2. INTERVAL HOUR TO MINUTE Time interval INTERVAL DAY5 TO SECOND 2. INTERVAL HOUR TO SECONDp Time interval INTERVAL DAY5 TO SECONDp 2. Free Oracle Magazine Subscriptions and Oracle White Papers Oracle Select Statements Version 11. Basic Select Statements Select All Columns and All Records in a. SQLines provides tools and services to help you transfer data, convert database schema DDL, views, stored functions procedures, triggers, queries and SQL scripts. INTERVAL MINUTE TO SECONDp Time interval INTERVAL DAY5 TO SECONDp 2. MONEY Currency amount NUMBER1. NUMERICp,s Fixed point number NUMERICp,s 2. REAL Single precision floating point BINARYFLOAT 3. SERIAL 3. 2 bit autoincrementing integer Sequence and trigger 3. SERIAL2 1. 6 bit autoincrementing integer Sequence and trigger 3. SERIAL4 3. 2 bit autoincrementing integer Sequence and trigger 3. SERIAL8 6. 4 bit autoincrementing integer Sequence and trigger 3. SMALLINT 1. 6 bit integer NUMBER5 3. SMALLSERIAL 1. 6 bit autoincrementing integer Sequence and trigger 3. TEXT Variable length character data, 1. G CLOB 3. 7 TIMEp Time with fraction TIMESTAMPp 3. TIMEp WITH TIME ZONE Time with fraction and time zone TIMESTAMPp WITH TIME ZONE 3. TIMETZp 4. 0 TIMESTAMPp Date and time with fraction TIMESTAMPp 4. TIMESTAMPp WITH TIME ZONE Date and time with time zone TIMESTAMPp WITH TIME ZONE 4. TIMESTAMPTZp 4. UUID Universally unique identifier CHAR3. VARBITn Variable length bit string RAWn8 4. VARCHARn Variable length string, 1 n 1. G VARCHAR2n 4. 6 XMLXML data XMLTYPE. Converting functions. Postgre. SQLOracle 1 CASTnumber AS VARCHAR Convert number to string TOCHARnumber 2 CASTdatetime AS VARCHAR Convert datetime to string TOCHARdatetime 3 CASTstring AS INTERVAL Convert string to interval TODSINTERVALstring 4 COALESCEexp, Return first non NULL expression COALESCEexp, 5 CURRENTTIMESTAMP Get start date and time of the transaction CURRENTTIMESTAMP 6 DATEliteral Convert string to date TODATEliteral, format 7 DATEtimestamp Convert to date, set zero time TRUNCtimestamp 8 NOW Get start date and time of the transaction SYSTIMESTAMP 9 OVERLAYstr PLACING sub FROM f Replace substring User defined function 1. POSITIONsubstring IN string Get position of substring INSTRstring, substring 1. SPLITPARTstring, delimiter, n Get n th item from delimited string. User defined function 1. SUBSTRINGstring, start, len Get a substring of string SUBSTRstring, start, len 1. TIMEOFDAY Get current date and time as string TOCHARSYSTIMESTAMP. Converting SQL SELECT statement and its clauses. Postgre. SQLOracle 1 FROM table AS alias Optional AS keyword in FROM FROM tablealias AS not allowed, removed. Converting CREATE FUNCTION statement that defines a user defined function or stored procedure in Postgre. SQL. Postgre. SQLOracle 1 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION PROCEDURE 2 paramdatatypelength Parameter definition paramdatatype No length and precision 3 RETURNS datatype Returned data type RETURN datatype 4 RETURNS void No value returned Converted to CREATE PROCEDURE 5 or body Start of the body Removed 6 DECLARE keyword Before variables declaration Removed 7 SELECT exp INTO var Assign a value SELECT exp INTO var FROM dual 8 TRUNCATE TABLE name Truncate a table EXECUTE IMMEDIATE TRUNCATE TABLE name 9 LANGUAGE plpgsql End of the body 1. VOLATILE Function attribute Removed 1. COST num Execution cost Removed. For more information, see CREATE FUNCTION Conversion Examples and Conversion of SQL and PLpg. SQL Statements. Converting SQL statements. Postgre. SQLOracle 1 EXECUTE sql Execute dynamic SQL EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql 2 PERFORM nameparams Execute a function nameparams 3 RAISE NOTICE format, params Output a message DBMSOUTPUT. PUTLINEconcatenatedparams 4 UPDATE table FROM table. Update from UPDATE table WHERE EXISTS. Converting PLpg. SQL statements and clauses. Postgre. SQLOracle 1 vardatatype value Variable initialization vardatatype value 2 var value Variable assignment var value 3 FETCH FROM cursor INTO Fetch a cursor FETCH cursor INTO FROM keyword removed 4 GET DIAGNOSTICS var ROWCOUNT Get affected rows var SQLROWCOUNT 5 IF NOT FOUND THEN EXIT Exit a cursor loop EXIT WHEN cursorNOTFOUND.